
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Ellen Forces A "Facebook VP" To Apologize To Drag Queens

Ellen spent a few minutes on her show to call out Facebook for the "real name policy" that they enforced, which particularly affected the drag queen community. This was after members of the LGBT community fought the social networking giant when it required all its users to provide (and use) their legal names on their accounts. This did not go well with a group because fictitious names sometimes mean the members' security and livelihood.

True to form, Ellen held Facebook "accountable" in a humorous fashion. She had one of her employees pose as a Facebook VP, apologize, and read out a list of made up names of drag queens. Names like Lucielle Balles and Wilma Fingerdoo.

The names are hilarious and the fake VP could barely contain his laughter while reading through the list. The audience members found it funny, too. I'm just glad it was a made up apology. If the actual Facebook VP apologized in that manner, I'm pretty sure that all hell will break loose.


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