
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Gay Dating Apps To Launch HIV/AIDS Outreach Partnership

HIV/AIDS awareness is very important, now more than ever. Different actions and movements have been made in an effort to spread awareness of this disease, and that includes the availability of condoms in more places, as well as ads that give out important information.

The past couple of years brought us the rise of gay social media applications where gay guys are able to interact, connect, and meet. Loosely called "hookup apps," these sites also enable like-minded guys to engage in sexual activities. As such, HIV/AIDS awareness in such social media sites needs to be given extra attention.

As it turns out, there has been a recent meeting between reps from gay oriented apps like Scruff and Grinder, the San Francisco AIDS Foundation (SFAF) and the CDC. They are working on having HIV/AIDS outreach projects via these channels.

According to a report the SFAF, some notable changes will soon come, including:

- App and site owners will push out regularly updated information about HIV testing to their millions of users
- App owners pledge to reduce stigma surrounding HIV positive men, possible including options for profiles like "undetectable" and "poz friendly"
- Grindr CEO Joel Simkhai calls the partnership with SFAF "just an extension of the great work we've already done," which includes not allowing users to promote unsafe sex on their profiles. 

Hopefully, these movements will help reduce the risk of further spreading this dreaded disease. Knowing is half the battle, and information dissemination is truly essential in our battle against AIDS and HIV.


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