
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fan Reactions To Celebrity Leaked Nude Photos Issue

We all love a good scandal, but these recent celebrity privacy violations are downright criminal. They are everywhere, and by the looks of it, there are more coming! Interesting how no arrests have been made so far. I wonder what it will take for the responsible parties to be prosecuted. I also wonder if the people who took the photos are themselves responsible for the consequences of their choices.

kate upton, image courtesy of

Different opinions, different sides. These various voices have resonated on social media in a seemingly endless debate of who is right and wrong. Everybody with an account seems to have something important to say about the issue. It has become circus, and it doesn't look like it's ending anytime soon.

We have heard a lot of sympathetic voices, and those who are condemning the act of the hackers. Privacy, after all, is one of the most sacred things that each person is entitled to. It doesn't matter if they are celebrities who show their goods on TV anyway. They should still be given that choice.

Some people, however, took the issue with a more negative and aggressive tone. It even sounds like they are blaming the celebrities for being who they are, and for putting themselves in that situation in the first place.
Others found humor in the situation. The deed, after all, has been done and there's nothing much to do about it. Why not inject a couple of funny posts? These users took humorous shots at the celebrity victims, and some even hinted about wanting nude photos from the guys.

Of course, there are the seemingly insensitive remarks.

Finally, there are the comments that put the blame on technology and gadgets. You know, those things that we spend so much money on, expecting them to function as beautifully as promised.

It looks like this fiasco isn't bound to end anytime soon, unless of course the responsible parties are put behind bars. But as long as there are people taking risque shots and people who are skilled enough to unearth these shots, we the spectators will continue to witness more things unfold. Whether we love it or hate it.

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