
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Mississipi Gay Kid Raped By Teacher to "Cure" Him Of Homosexuality

A 32-year old gay guy from Mississippi claimed that one of his male teachers raped him each week back in the 90s. Jeff White, who used to go to the Bethel Baptist School in Walls, Mississippi, said in an interview that his teacher Steven Barnes scheduled a regular "appointment" with him and allegedly forced him to have anal and oral sex. The goal? He was told that this was a way to force him to change his sexual orientation.
image courtesy of

This went on for three years (1996-1999).

“He would rape me because I was gay and because it would make me hate men and make me change,” said White.

His parents sent him to that school when he was 14, after he came out to them.

Click here for the full story.

If this is true, then there are no words to describe the nature of the act committed. Hatred towards homosexuality is one thing, but forcing minors into traumatic situations is taking it to the next level. Regardless of the "purity" of his intentions, he had no right to take away a child's innocence.

This type of crime does not get reported enough. Kids are usually forced into silence or are being ignored when they step up to complain. Gay kids in particular have a harder time stepping up because of the social stigma that surrounds them. This was one report made by one person after 15 years. I can just imagine how many other victims this guy had over the years.


Homosexuality as a mental health illness 

An online chat with a 14 year old kid 

5 reasons you shouldn’t chat with a minor 

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