
Thursday, August 21, 2014

A 12-Year Old Kid's Experience With Aversion Therapy

by Discreet Serpent

As I was reading the comments I got from some of my previous posts, I was drawn towards an interesting response from Mikl White (Dan White).

The following words of wisdom really got to me:

"At 12, I wanted to be able to be loved again,,,"

"Guess what? I am still gay! I won..."

"You can not cure what is not a sickness!"

"They have no idea that it was real!"

As I mentioned before, we are lucky to live in a society that's more accepting of homosexuality and diversity. This is a blessing that we should not take for granted, not even for a moment. We must do our part to ensure that our progress as a community moves forward in the right direction. We can not afford to have our future generation subjected to the same kind of torture that our predecessors had. We just can't.


Masters of Sex: Homosexuality as a Mental Illness

Depression kills… Why we need to fight this battle  

Why are gay guys afraid of an HIV testing center? 

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