
Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Battle Against Depression: Why We Are Losing

by Discreet Serpent

Time to get serious. We have all heard about a famous Hollywood actor's battle with depression, and how he ended up taking his life in the end. On a personal level, I heard about a friend's colleague who just suffered a terrible loss after her husband passed on (allegedly via suicide as well). Both are terrible tragedies, and both possibly resulted from lack of treatment. But I'm just guessing here.

image courtesy of

I don't know a lot about what causes depression and how it is diagnosed/treated, but I know enough to know that it is a serious condition that needs attention. I checked out my friendly source and found out these interesting tidbits:

  • A constant sense of hopelessness and despair is a sign you may have major depression, also known as clinical depression.
  • It is marked by a depressed mood most of the day, particularly in the morning, and a loss of interest in normal activities and relationships. Symptoms might include: Fatigue or loss of energy almost every day, feelings of worthlessness or guilt almost every day, insomnia or hypersomnia (excessive sleeping) almost every day, restlessness or feeling slowed down, and recurring thoughts of death or suicide.
  • Depression in men is significantly underreported. Men who suffer from clinical depression are less likely to seek help or even talk about their experience.
  • Signs of depression in men may include irritability, anger, or drug and alcohol abuse. Repressing their feelings can result in violent behavior directed both inwardly and outwardly. It can also result in an increase in illness, suicide, and homicide.
  • Major or clinical depression is a serious but treatable illness. Depending on the severity of symptoms, your doctor may recommend treatment with an antidepressant medication. He or she may also suggest psychotherapy, or talk therapy, in which you address your emotional state.

Some common triggers or causes of major depression include:
  • Grief from losing a loved one through death, divorce, or separation
  • Social isolation or feelings of being deprived
  • Major life changes -- moving, graduation, job change, retirement
  • Personal conflicts in relationships, either with a significant other or a superior
  • Physical, sexual, or emotional abuse

In my case, depression is closer to home than I would want it. A few months ago, a good friend confided in me that he has been diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorder. It was triggered by his breakup with his boyfriend, but he suspects that the disease has been there far longer. He told me how he kept to himself and practically stayed inside his room for months. He shared how he was feeling depressed enough to want to kill himself, but anxiously afraid of the dying process. What he felt was not the "regular" sadness that we're all familiar with, but something debilitating that prevented him from functioning. It was a terrible struggle, and it took several months of therapy and medication to get over it. Now, he is much better although he needed to have a lifestyle change and shift in perspective.

I have also (distastefully, I must add) joked a lot in the past about me being BI. BIsexual and BIpolar. That's because I'm terribly moody and have found myself in unexplainable mood swings. There are moments when I thrive in solitude and misery. It's a wonder people still like me. I'm probably not clinical, but it looks like these series of events have reminded me of my humanity and how I need to take care of my mental and emotional well being.

I hope that this entry has somehow helped enlighten more people about this serious threat. In our country, depression is not taken seriously and I am fearful that this would prove detrimental for us. There is a stigma against people who see shrinks and professionals. We think they are weak and crazy. We think that they just need to take some time off and get over themselves. We think that support from family and friends would be enough. 

How wrong we are.


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